I am a Columbus, Ohio photographer (but willing to travel)! Call me or email me to capture your big moments.
kmnicoll@gmail.com or 614-556-6285.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Best and Favorites of 2015

2016 is well under way, but I did want to get this out there... my best and my favorite pictures from 2015.
(Mental drumroll, please.)

This picture... so what do you do if you don't have a big enough family to spell out OHIO?  Photoshop!  (This family does not have twins.)  We had a blast with this photo shoot!

Sometimes the outtakes are the best!  That face is priceless!

This photo shoot was for an elementary school teacher rock band!  (This is my daughter's teacher!)
 The lighting on this one... just so good!
 And the whole gang...
Hooray for creative educators inspiring our kids to learn and grow and enjoy life!

This family tried a couple of different poses, but this was the winner.  I love the sunny, warm lighting and the colors and the great smiles.

The youngest boy in this family had the best poses.  He moved like a model.  If everyone could be so cool and calm in front of the camera!

I love this picture.  I love this baby's story.  My dear friend found out just after the birth that she would be a mommy to this little angel.  The Christmas tree was set up when they came for pictures, and she truly was the greatest gift for this family... and I had a pink bow.

This family is so awesome.  Even the dog looked at the camera AND smiled!  Seriously, this is not Photoshop!

I got to do a newborn shoot outside!  Her big brother and sister helped pick the flowers used in this picture.  She looks like a little fairy baby.  And that tiny baby smile is so precious!

I love this sister moment.  So sweet!

This family has three ginger boys!  I loved working with them!  We hauled this little couch outside for the photo shoot.

This young man graduated high school and left for two years to be a missionary in South America! Not only good looking, but also just plain good!

It has become a tradition with this little guy to have a portrait taken with his beloved shark... every year.

And this family... my favorite!  
How did I do this?  I am holding the remote to fire the camera in my hand.  I see my kids everyday, but when they are frozen in time in this picture, I can really see how much they have grown!  My 11 year old is almost as tall as me!

Thank you to my fantastic clients for a great year of pictures in 2015!  Here's to a picture perfect 2016!


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